
On Learning New Things.

Successful learning isn't just a function of innate ability. Positive growth and change happen through a specific kind of practice -thoughtful and attentive repetition. And like this ivy, its progress doesn't go in a straight line.

Each attempt, each repetition is similar, but different. Attempts branch in slightly different directions, some more successful than others. Unlike the brick, the ivy can change direction. The ivy will eventually cover the wall. Leaf by leaf, covering brick by brick.

Our learning, whether individually or culturally, works the same way. The key to significant change is mostly...keep going. See how one leaf unfolds, and then make another attempt from there. Maybe a little higher or lower than the last one, maybe go back a little and wait, maybe try two at once. Eventually you'll notice that you've covered your wall.

In Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement®, we practice this practice. Our purpose isn't to be perfect at specific movements. It's to get better at learning, a life skill that transfers in many directions, individual and collective. The leaves are alive, the bricks aren't. Be the ivy, not the wall.